Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Polyploid MKs in prometaphase. Cultures were performed as described in Fig 1, except that nocodazole (1 μg/mL) was added in some experiments to 8-day culture for 5 hours. Cells were stained either by May-Grünwald Giemsa or labeled by antibodies (FITC or TRITC) and counterstained by the Hoechst dye (blue) after cytocentrifugation and fixation. (a) This MK is blocked in pseudometaphase by nocodazole. Well-condensed, individualized chromosomes are present. The cytoplasm already has a granular pattern with purple staining localized to one pole of the cell that may correspond to granules (arrow). The nuclear envelope is not apparent. Original magnification × 2,000. (b) Two large MKs (appointed by arrow) are labeled by an anti-vWF antibody (FITC) and conterstained by Hoechst. These endomitotic MKs with condensed chromosomes are blocked in prometaphase. Original magnification × 1,000. (c) An MK in interphase is labeled by the human anti-lamin B antibody (TRITC). The polylobulated nucleus is surrounded by a distinct linear red labeling. Original magnification × 1,000. (d, e, and f) A polyploid MK in spontaneous metaphase is shown. Expression of vWF (FITC; d), Hoechst (e), and lamin B (TRITC; f). Only a faint and dispersed labeling is observed in TRITC, demonstrating that the nuclear envelope has disappeared.

Polyploid MKs in prometaphase. Cultures were performed as described in Fig 1, except that nocodazole (1 μg/mL) was added in some experiments to 8-day culture for 5 hours. Cells were stained either by May-Grünwald Giemsa or labeled by antibodies (FITC or TRITC) and counterstained by the Hoechst dye (blue) after cytocentrifugation and fixation. (a) This MK is blocked in pseudometaphase by nocodazole. Well-condensed, individualized chromosomes are present. The cytoplasm already has a granular pattern with purple staining localized to one pole of the cell that may correspond to granules (arrow). The nuclear envelope is not apparent. Original magnification × 2,000. (b) Two large MKs (appointed by arrow) are labeled by an anti-vWF antibody (FITC) and conterstained by Hoechst. These endomitotic MKs with condensed chromosomes are blocked in prometaphase. Original magnification × 1,000. (c) An MK in interphase is labeled by the human anti-lamin B antibody (TRITC). The polylobulated nucleus is surrounded by a distinct linear red labeling. Original magnification × 1,000. (d, e, and f) A polyploid MK in spontaneous metaphase is shown. Expression of vWF (FITC; d), Hoechst (e), and lamin B (TRITC; f). Only a faint and dispersed labeling is observed in TRITC, demonstrating that the nuclear envelope has disappeared.

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