Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Reactivity of sera from CD3-LGL patients to HTLV-I proteins. Sera were tested against HTLV blot 2.3 (Genelabs Diagnostics, Redwood City, CA) containing multiple HTLV recombinant env proteins. Assays were run in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, except that all sera were incubated with the strips overnight. The strips marked I, II, and N were incubated with sera from an HTLV-I, HTLV-II, and an uninfected individual, respectively. Strips marked 1 through 6, 9, 10, and 14 were incubated with sera from individuals with CD3− LDGL. The same numbers are used to identify individual sera in the other figures and Table 1. The migration of the viral proteins p19 and p24 as well as the positions of the recombinant proteins p21e, K55 (HTLV-II gp46), and MTA1 (HTLV-I gp46) are indicated at left. SC indicates position of the serum control band, which is reactive when human antibodies are present in the tested sample.

Reactivity of sera from CD3-LGL patients to HTLV-I proteins. Sera were tested against HTLV blot 2.3 (Genelabs Diagnostics, Redwood City, CA) containing multiple HTLV recombinant env proteins. Assays were run in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, except that all sera were incubated with the strips overnight. The strips marked I, II, and N were incubated with sera from an HTLV-I, HTLV-II, and an uninfected individual, respectively. Strips marked 1 through 6, 9, 10, and 14 were incubated with sera from individuals with CD3 LDGL. The same numbers are used to identify individual sera in the other figures and Table 1. The migration of the viral proteins p19 and p24 as well as the positions of the recombinant proteins p21e, K55 (HTLV-II gp46), and MTA1 (HTLV-I gp46) are indicated at left. SC indicates position of the serum control band, which is reactive when human antibodies are present in the tested sample.

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