Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Temperature gradient gel of TCRγ PCR products. Lanes 1 to 5, polyclonal PCR products of PCR 1 using primers VG1, VG2, VG9, and JG12-a (1 to 3) and PCR 2 using primers VG1, VG2, VG9, and JGP12-a (4 and 5) appearing as broad smears in the middle range of the gel (a). Lanes 6 to 9, clonal controls (cell line JM [Vγ8], cell line PEER [Vγ9], T-ALL patient Ra [Vγ10], and cell line JM [Vγ11]) appearing as sharp bands below the middle range of the gel (b). Lanes 10 to 17, clonal PCR products of PCR 1 (11 to 13) and PCR 2 (14 and 15). Lanes 16 and 17, biallelic PCR products of PCR 1. Lane 18, HincII digest of phi X174. S, skin sample; B, blood sample; C, cell line; M, marker.

Temperature gradient gel of TCRγ PCR products. Lanes 1 to 5, polyclonal PCR products of PCR 1 using primers VG1, VG2, VG9, and JG12-a (1 to 3) and PCR 2 using primers VG1, VG2, VG9, and JGP12-a (4 and 5) appearing as broad smears in the middle range of the gel (a). Lanes 6 to 9, clonal controls (cell line JM [Vγ8], cell line PEER [Vγ9], T-ALL patient Ra [Vγ10], and cell line JM [Vγ11]) appearing as sharp bands below the middle range of the gel (b). Lanes 10 to 17, clonal PCR products of PCR 1 (11 to 13) and PCR 2 (14 and 15). Lanes 16 and 17, biallelic PCR products of PCR 1. Lane 18, HincII digest of phi X174. S, skin sample; B, blood sample; C, cell line; M, marker.

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