Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Radiologic evolution in patient A. (A) Postcontrast abdominal CT scan on March 16, 1993 shows multiple small hypodense areas in all segments of the liver, suggestive of hepatic candidiasis. Seven days previously, the patient had recovered from severe neutropenia after the first cycle of chemotherapy for AML. (B) On April 23, 6 days after the neutrophil count had dropped below 500/μL in the second cycle of chemotherapy, there is no evidence of focal lesions on postcontrast CT scan. (C) On June 18, when neutrophils were normalized for 46 days, CT scan again shows multiple small abscesses. / (D) On August 23, 15 days after the neutrophil count had dropped below 500/μL in the third chemotherapy cycle, focal liver lesions clearly decreased in size and number. (E) On September 30, 35 days after neutrophil recovery, multiple hepatic abscesses are seen (arrowhead). To show maximal extent of lesions the scan shown is at a slightly different level. (F) On June 16, 1994, 230 days after neutrophil recovery, the CT scan has normalized.

Radiologic evolution in patient A. (A) Postcontrast abdominal CT scan on March 16, 1993 shows multiple small hypodense areas in all segments of the liver, suggestive of hepatic candidiasis. Seven days previously, the patient had recovered from severe neutropenia after the first cycle of chemotherapy for AML. (B) On April 23, 6 days after the neutrophil count had dropped below 500/μL in the second cycle of chemotherapy, there is no evidence of focal lesions on postcontrast CT scan. (C) On June 18, when neutrophils were normalized for 46 days, CT scan again shows multiple small abscesses.

(D) On August 23, 15 days after the neutrophil count had dropped below 500/μL in the third chemotherapy cycle, focal liver lesions clearly decreased in size and number. (E) On September 30, 35 days after neutrophil recovery, multiple hepatic abscesses are seen (arrowhead). To show maximal extent of lesions the scan shown is at a slightly different level. (F) On June 16, 1994, 230 days after neutrophil recovery, the CT scan has normalized.

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