Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Immunohistochemical detection of CD34 glycoprotein in the developing embryo. (A) Transverse section of the cranial region of an 8-somite stage embryo, showing staining in the two dorsal aortae (da); staining is barely detectable in the primary head vein (v). (B) Dorsal aorta in the trunk region of an 8-somite embryo in longitudinal section: the endothelium expresses CD34. (C) Transverse section of a 10-somite stage embryo, showing CD34 expression in the endothelium of the dorsal aorta and in blood cells in the lumen; staining is not present in the posterior cardinal vein (v); slight staining of dorsal gut (g) epithelium. (D) Longitudinal section through the trunk of a 12-somite stage embryo: staining of the endothelium and blood cells of the dorsal aorta (da), in adjacent mesenchymal cells (open arrow), and in the neuroepithelium (n). (E) Transverse section (dorsal/ventral is left/right, medial/lateral is top/bottom) of one of the dorsal aortae (da) of a day 10 embryo, showing CD34 expression on the endothelial surface and in discrete rounded cells in the adjacent mesenchyme (arrows); these are probably hematopoietic cells. The posterior cardinal vein (v) is unstained. (F ) Fused dorsal aorta (da) of a day 10 embryo, showing staining on the endothelial surface and also on large (probably hematopoietic) cells attached to the vessel walls. There is also staining in many small vessels within the nephrogenic mesenchyme, and of the posterior cardinal veins (v), which appear to be generating the capillary sprouts. (G) Day 10 embryo, showing CD34+ precapillary sprouts (arrow) surrounding the tracheal diverticulum (t) and, to a lesser extent, the oesophagus (g). (H) Allantois of a 10-somite embryo, showing CD34 expression in the walls and blood cells of a formed vessel (large arrow) and in prevascular mesenchyme (small arrows). (I) Day 10 liver, showing staining in hematopoietic cells but not on the endothelium of the sinusoids (s). c, coelom; g, gut; ge, gonadal epithelium; m, mesonephric duct; n, neural epithelium. Scale bars = 50 μm

Immunohistochemical detection of CD34 glycoprotein in the developing embryo. (A) Transverse section of the cranial region of an 8-somite stage embryo, showing staining in the two dorsal aortae (da); staining is barely detectable in the primary head vein (v). (B) Dorsal aorta in the trunk region of an 8-somite embryo in longitudinal section: the endothelium expresses CD34. (C) Transverse section of a 10-somite stage embryo, showing CD34 expression in the endothelium of the dorsal aorta and in blood cells in the lumen; staining is not present in the posterior cardinal vein (v); slight staining of dorsal gut (g) epithelium. (D) Longitudinal section through the trunk of a 12-somite stage embryo: staining of the endothelium and blood cells of the dorsal aorta (da), in adjacent mesenchymal cells (open arrow), and in the neuroepithelium (n). (E) Transverse section (dorsal/ventral is left/right, medial/lateral is top/bottom) of one of the dorsal aortae (da) of a day 10 embryo, showing CD34 expression on the endothelial surface and in discrete rounded cells in the adjacent mesenchyme (arrows); these are probably hematopoietic cells. The posterior cardinal vein (v) is unstained. (F ) Fused dorsal aorta (da) of a day 10 embryo, showing staining on the endothelial surface and also on large (probably hematopoietic) cells attached to the vessel walls. There is also staining in many small vessels within the nephrogenic mesenchyme, and of the posterior cardinal veins (v), which appear to be generating the capillary sprouts. (G) Day 10 embryo, showing CD34+ precapillary sprouts (arrow) surrounding the tracheal diverticulum (t) and, to a lesser extent, the oesophagus (g). (H) Allantois of a 10-somite embryo, showing CD34 expression in the walls and blood cells of a formed vessel (large arrow) and in prevascular mesenchyme (small arrows). (I) Day 10 liver, showing staining in hematopoietic cells but not on the endothelium of the sinusoids (s). c, coelom; g, gut; ge, gonadal epithelium; m, mesonephric duct; n, neural epithelium. Scale bars = 50 μm

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