Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Flow cytometric analysis of spleen, thymus, and BM cells. BM (A), thymus (B), and spleen (C) cells from wild-type (+/+) and HSA-deficient (-/-) mice were labeled with fluorescent antibodies recognizing the B-cell surface markers B220, IgMb and the T-cell markers CD4, CD8, and Thy-1 in different combinations of three antibodies. BM cells were also anlayzed by forward (FSC) versus orthogonal (SSC) light scattering and by labeling with the antibody S7, recognizing CD43. The number of cells in the oval lymphocyte gate in the FSC versus SSC plot is given as percentage of total BM cells analyzed. The rectangular gates correspond to the B-cell maturation stages A-F according to Hardy et al6 (see Fig 3) and the number of cells present in each gate is given as percentage of total B220+ cells. The results presented are representative of eight independent experiments with a total of 20 HSA-sufficient and 24 HSA-deficient mice.

Flow cytometric analysis of spleen, thymus, and BM cells. BM (A), thymus (B), and spleen (C) cells from wild-type (+/+) and HSA-deficient (-/-) mice were labeled with fluorescent antibodies recognizing the B-cell surface markers B220, IgMb and the T-cell markers CD4, CD8, and Thy-1 in different combinations of three antibodies. BM cells were also anlayzed by forward (FSC) versus orthogonal (SSC) light scattering and by labeling with the antibody S7, recognizing CD43. The number of cells in the oval lymphocyte gate in the FSC versus SSC plot is given as percentage of total BM cells analyzed. The rectangular gates correspond to the B-cell maturation stages A-F according to Hardy et al6 (see Fig 3) and the number of cells present in each gate is given as percentage of total B220+ cells. The results presented are representative of eight independent experiments with a total of 20 HSA-sufficient and 24 HSA-deficient mice.

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