Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Effect of a neutralizing anti–IL-10 antibody on spontaneous CFU-GM growth and on IL-10–induced inhibition of CFU-GM growth from unseparated PB-MNCs. PB-MNCs (2 × 105) were cultured in methylcellulose containing 30% FCS and IMDM. Colony growth was assessed after 14 days. The mean colony numbers are given from three independent experiments.

Effect of a neutralizing anti–IL-10 antibody on spontaneous CFU-GM growth and on IL-10–induced inhibition of CFU-GM growth from unseparated PB-MNCs. PB-MNCs (2 × 105) were cultured in methylcellulose containing 30% FCS and IMDM. Colony growth was assessed after 14 days. The mean colony numbers are given from three independent experiments.

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