Fig. 8.
Fig. 8. Structure-based amino acid sequence alignments. (A) Alignment of hIL-6 with hCNTF and hGH. Boxes indicate the location of α-helices according to the corresponding x-ray structures and our model.2425 α-Helices are labeled in white letters over a black background, A through D. Residues in the first receptor binding epitope of each cytokine according to earlier studies,252672 and our results are in bold. Model predictions for which experimental evidence in unavailable or poor are in white letters over a grey background. A consensus (Cons) of at least two is in lower case and of at least three is in lower case and underlined. / Structure-based amino acid sequence alignments. (B) Alignment of hIL-6R with hCNTFR, hGHR, and hPRLR. Arrows indicate the location of β-strands according to the corresponding x-ray structures and our model.25,26 β-Strands are labeled in white letters over a black background, A through G and A′ through G′ for receptor domains I and II, respectively. Residues in the ligand binding epitope of each receptor according to earlier studies,25,26 and our results are in bold. Model predictions for which experimental evidence is unavailable or poor are in white letters over a grey background. A consensus (Cons) of at least two is in lower case and of at least three is in lower case and underlined.

Structure-based amino acid sequence alignments. (A) Alignment of hIL-6 with hCNTF and hGH. Boxes indicate the location of α-helices according to the corresponding x-ray structures and our model.24,25 α-Helices are labeled in white letters over a black background, A through D. Residues in the first receptor binding epitope of each cytokine according to earlier studies,25,26 72 and our results are in bold. Model predictions for which experimental evidence in unavailable or poor are in white letters over a grey background. A consensus (Cons) of at least two is in lower case and of at least three is in lower case and underlined.

Structure-based amino acid sequence alignments. (B) Alignment of hIL-6R with hCNTFR, hGHR, and hPRLR. Arrows indicate the location of β-strands according to the corresponding x-ray structures and our model.25,26 β-Strands are labeled in white letters over a black background, A through G and A′ through G′ for receptor domains I and II, respectively. Residues in the ligand binding epitope of each receptor according to earlier studies,25,26 and our results are in bold. Model predictions for which experimental evidence is unavailable or poor are in white letters over a grey background. A consensus (Cons) of at least two is in lower case and of at least three is in lower case and underlined.

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