Figure 5.
CBF and OEF in a CTT SCA cohort lie between non-CTT SCA and healthy control cohorts. Mann-Whitney U tests directly compared the pre- and posttransfusion values with the control and also with the SCA nontransfused (no CTT) values. Wilcoxon signed-rank tests compared pre- and posttransfusion values. P values were corrected with Benjamani-Hochberg procedure for multiple comparisons. *P < .05 after correction, **P < .01 after correction.

CBF and OEF in a CTT SCA cohort lie between non-CTT SCA and healthy control cohorts. Mann-Whitney U tests directly compared the pre- and posttransfusion values with the control and also with the SCA nontransfused (no CTT) values. Wilcoxon signed-rank tests compared pre- and posttransfusion values. P values were corrected with Benjamani-Hochberg procedure for multiple comparisons. *P < .05 after correction, **P < .01 after correction.

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