Figure 1.
Figure 1. ABO and FUT2 (secretor) genotyping results. (A) ABO results of patients who hemolyzed in comparison with those who did not hemolyze following IVIG therapy. AB represents A1B genotype. (B) Genotyping results for blood group A patients who hemolyzed in comparison with those who did not hemolyze following IVIG therapy. (C) FUT2 genotyping for secretor status of patients who hemolyzed in comparison with those patients who did not hemolyze following IVIG therapy. (D) Severity of hemolysis following IVIG therapy for secretors in comparison with nonsecretors. Because both compensated hemolysis and grade 1 hemolysis are mild, they are grouped together. P values were determined by Fisher’s exact test. Asterisk represents a significant difference. S, secretor; NS, nonsecretor.

ABO and FUT2 (secretor) genotyping results. (A) ABO results of patients who hemolyzed in comparison with those who did not hemolyze following IVIG therapy. AB represents A1B genotype. (B) Genotyping results for blood group A patients who hemolyzed in comparison with those who did not hemolyze following IVIG therapy. (C) FUT2 genotyping for secretor status of patients who hemolyzed in comparison with those patients who did not hemolyze following IVIG therapy. (D) Severity of hemolysis following IVIG therapy for secretors in comparison with nonsecretors. Because both compensated hemolysis and grade 1 hemolysis are mild, they are grouped together. P values were determined by Fisher’s exact test. Asterisk represents a significant difference. S, secretor; NS, nonsecretor.

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