Figure 4.
Prognostic impact of the accumulation of somatic alterations in ATL. (A) Kaplan-Meier survival curves of OS of 226 previously untreated ATL cases stratified by the cumulative numbers of driver mutations (left) and focal CNAs (right). The prognostic impact on OS was evaluated by log-rank test. (B) HRs for OS according to the number of significant mutations and focal CNAs on univariate analysis in patients with aggressive (n = 152) and indolent (n = 74) subtypes and in the entire cohort (n = 226). The prognostic impact on OS was evaluated by univariate Cox regression analysis.

Prognostic impact of the accumulation of somatic alterations in ATL. (A) Kaplan-Meier survival curves of OS of 226 previously untreated ATL cases stratified by the cumulative numbers of driver mutations (left) and focal CNAs (right). The prognostic impact on OS was evaluated by log-rank test. (B) HRs for OS according to the number of significant mutations and focal CNAs on univariate analysis in patients with aggressive (n = 152) and indolent (n = 74) subtypes and in the entire cohort (n = 226). The prognostic impact on OS was evaluated by univariate Cox regression analysis.

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