Figure 3.
Detection of RHPN2 mutations in human EBV+-DLBL samples. (A) Representative graphs of the detection of RHPN2 mutation (I300M), using ddPCR. Multiplex ddPCR was performed for wild-type RHPN2 (green dots) and mutant RHPN2 (I300M; blue dots), using blood (negative control) and tumor DNA from human EBV+-DLBL samples. The numbers in the graphs indicate the allele frequency of mutant RHPN2. X92 and X102 were EBV+-DLBL from PDX models, which were positive controls for the I300M mutation. Pt, patient. (B) Estimation of allele frequencies of RHPN2 I300M mutations in 14 human EBV+-DLBL samples using ddPCR. Error bars indicate the Poisson distribution at the 95% confidence interval.

Detection of RHPN2 mutations in human EBV+-DLBL samples. (A) Representative graphs of the detection of RHPN2 mutation (I300M), using ddPCR. Multiplex ddPCR was performed for wild-type RHPN2 (green dots) and mutant RHPN2 (I300M; blue dots), using blood (negative control) and tumor DNA from human EBV+-DLBL samples. The numbers in the graphs indicate the allele frequency of mutant RHPN2. X92 and X102 were EBV+-DLBL from PDX models, which were positive controls for the I300M mutation. Pt, patient. (B) Estimation of allele frequencies of RHPN2 I300M mutations in 14 human EBV+-DLBL samples using ddPCR. Error bars indicate the Poisson distribution at the 95% confidence interval.

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