Atorvastatin increases EPCs and thrombopoiesis in corticosteroid-resistant ITP. (A) In the BM of corticosteroid-resistant ITP, decreased numbers and dysfunctional EPCs lead to platelet underproduction. (B) Upon treatment of corticosteroid-resistant ITP with atorvastatin, the number and function of EPCs are improved by downregulating the p38 MAPK pathway and upregulating the Akt pathway, leading to maturation of megakaryocytes and increased platelet production. Professional illustration by Patrick Lane, ScEYEnce Studios.

Atorvastatin increases EPCs and thrombopoiesis in corticosteroid-resistant ITP. (A) In the BM of corticosteroid-resistant ITP, decreased numbers and dysfunctional EPCs lead to platelet underproduction. (B) Upon treatment of corticosteroid-resistant ITP with atorvastatin, the number and function of EPCs are improved by downregulating the p38 MAPK pathway and upregulating the Akt pathway, leading to maturation of megakaryocytes and increased platelet production. Professional illustration by Patrick Lane, ScEYEnce Studios.

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