Figure 4.
Figure 4. Long-term tracking of clones in aged vs young animal populations. Heat maps showing the log fractional contributions of individual top clones to each lineage for time points between 6 months and longest follow-up for the 2 aged macaques and for the young animals with follow-up >2 years. Barcodes that are the top 10 most abundant barcodes in at least one of the depicted samples are plotted over all samples. Heat maps are ordered by unsupervised hierarchical clustering of the Euclidean distance between barcodes’ log fractional abundances in the samples. Each row in the heat map corresponds to a barcode and each column to a sample. Color gradient depicts the log fractional contribution of individual barcodes to each sample. Colored bars on the left of each heat map reflect the clone bias “type” of each clustered group of clones as defined in the text and in Figure 3. MP: black; myeloid (Gr)-biased: yellow; B-biased: blue; T-biased: red; T/B-biased: purple; T/myeloid-biased: orange; B/myeloid-biased: green; indeterminate: gray; short-term: white. TP: transplantation.

Long-term tracking of clones in aged vs young animal populations. Heat maps showing the log fractional contributions of individual top clones to each lineage for time points between 6 months and longest follow-up for the 2 aged macaques and for the young animals with follow-up >2 years. Barcodes that are the top 10 most abundant barcodes in at least one of the depicted samples are plotted over all samples. Heat maps are ordered by unsupervised hierarchical clustering of the Euclidean distance between barcodes’ log fractional abundances in the samples. Each row in the heat map corresponds to a barcode and each column to a sample. Color gradient depicts the log fractional contribution of individual barcodes to each sample. Colored bars on the left of each heat map reflect the clone bias “type” of each clustered group of clones as defined in the text and in Figure 3. MP: black; myeloid (Gr)-biased: yellow; B-biased: blue; T-biased: red; T/B-biased: purple; T/myeloid-biased: orange; B/myeloid-biased: green; indeterminate: gray; short-term: white. TP: transplantation.

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