Figure 3.
Figure 3. Contributions of MP vs biased clones to hematopoiesis. The relative contributions of all MP, myeloid-biased (Gr), B-biased, T-biased, Gr/B-biased, Gr/T-biased, B/T-biased, and indeterminate clones (falling between unilineage and bilineage biased) across time after transplantation to Gr (panel A), B cells (panel B), and T cells (panel C). Each barcoded clone was categorized, and its fractional contribution to the lineage was summed to create the stacked bars. MP: ≤10-fold ratio of contributions between Gr, T, and B lineages (black); myeloid (Gr)-biased: >10-fold ratio of Gr vs T and B contributions (yellow); B-biased: >10-fold ratio of B vs Gr and T contributions (blue); T-biased: >10-fold ratio of B vs Gr and T contributions (red); T/myeloid-biased: T and Gr both >10-fold biased vs B and ≤10-fold biased toward each other (orange); B/myeloid-biased: B and Gr both >10-fold biased vs T and ≤10-fold biased toward each other (green); T/B-biased: T and B both >10-fold biased vs Gr and ≤ 10-fold biased toward each other (purple); indeterminate: falling in between unilineage and bilineage definitions (gray). (D) Number of MP clones detected as contributing at each time point for young (solid lines) and aged (dotted lines) animals.

Contributions of MP vs biased clones to hematopoiesis. The relative contributions of all MP, myeloid-biased (Gr), B-biased, T-biased, Gr/B-biased, Gr/T-biased, B/T-biased, and indeterminate clones (falling between unilineage and bilineage biased) across time after transplantation to Gr (panel A), B cells (panel B), and T cells (panel C). Each barcoded clone was categorized, and its fractional contribution to the lineage was summed to create the stacked bars. MP: ≤10-fold ratio of contributions between Gr, T, and B lineages (black); myeloid (Gr)-biased: >10-fold ratio of Gr vs T and B contributions (yellow); B-biased: >10-fold ratio of B vs Gr and T contributions (blue); T-biased: >10-fold ratio of B vs Gr and T contributions (red); T/myeloid-biased: T and Gr both >10-fold biased vs B and ≤10-fold biased toward each other (orange); B/myeloid-biased: B and Gr both >10-fold biased vs T and ≤10-fold biased toward each other (green); T/B-biased: T and B both >10-fold biased vs Gr and ≤ 10-fold biased toward each other (purple); indeterminate: falling in between unilineage and bilineage definitions (gray). (D) Number of MP clones detected as contributing at each time point for young (solid lines) and aged (dotted lines) animals.

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