Figure 3.
Figure 3. Mean (CV%) CTL019 transgene. (A) Copies of CTL019 transgene in PB, BM, and CSF during the first 6 months after infusion. (B) CTL019 transgene in CSF at day 28 by transient neuropsychiatric event. α for 1-way analysis of variance multiple comparisons test was 0.05. Grade 0 vs grade 1/2 neurological events, P = .5770; grade 0 vs grade 3/4 neurological events, P = .3591; grade 1/2 vs grade 3/4 neurological events, P = .9457.

Mean (CV%) CTL019 transgene. (A) Copies of CTL019 transgene in PB, BM, and CSF during the first 6 months after infusion. (B) CTL019 transgene in CSF at day 28 by transient neuropsychiatric event. α for 1-way analysis of variance multiple comparisons test was 0.05. Grade 0 vs grade 1/2 neurological events, P = .5770; grade 0 vs grade 3/4 neurological events, P = .3591; grade 1/2 vs grade 3/4 neurological events, P = .9457.

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