Figure 5.
Figure 5. CAR T-cell counts in blood and estimated probabilities of response or toxicity. (A-B) The absolute number and (C-D) percentage of CD8+ (left) and CD4+ (right) CAR T-cells in blood. The mean ± SEM of the maximum values are shown. P values were determined by using the Kruskal-Wallis test. (E-F) Estimated probabilities by logistic regression of grade ≥2 CRS and grade ≥3 neurotoxicity at (E) peak CD8+ and (F) CD4+ CAR T-cell counts in blood. (G-H) Estimated probabilities by logistic regression of bone marrow CR in ALL and CLL patients by flow cytometry and CR or overall response (OR) in NHL patients according to Cheson imaging criteria (2014) at peak (G) CD8+ and (H) CD4+ CAR T-cell counts in blood. Lymph node CR in CLL patients is not depicted because of the limited cohort size available for analysis. P values are color-coded to indicate the association between the CAR T-cell peak counts and outcomes. ***P < .0001; **P ranges from >.0001 to <.001; *P ranges from >.001 to <.005.

CAR T-cell counts in blood and estimated probabilities of response or toxicity. (A-B) The absolute number and (C-D) percentage of CD8+ (left) and CD4+ (right) CAR T-cells in blood. The mean ± SEM of the maximum values are shown. P values were determined by using the Kruskal-Wallis test. (E-F) Estimated probabilities by logistic regression of grade ≥2 CRS and grade ≥3 neurotoxicity at (E) peak CD8+ and (F) CD4+ CAR T-cell counts in blood. (G-H) Estimated probabilities by logistic regression of bone marrow CR in ALL and CLL patients by flow cytometry and CR or overall response (OR) in NHL patients according to Cheson imaging criteria (2014) at peak (G) CD8+ and (H) CD4+ CAR T-cell counts in blood. Lymph node CR in CLL patients is not depicted because of the limited cohort size available for analysis. P values are color-coded to indicate the association between the CAR T-cell peak counts and outcomes. ***P < .0001; **P ranges from >.0001 to <.001; *P ranges from >.001 to <.005.

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