Figure 3.
Figure 3. Hemodynamic instability and clinical capillary leak in grade ≥4 CRS. (A-G) Mean ± SEM of (A) minimum systolic blood pressure, (B) minimum diastolic blood pressure, (C) maximum heart rate, (D) maximum respiratory rate, (E) minimum serum protein concentration, (F) minimum albumin concentration, and (G) weight gain from the start of lymphodepletion are shown at the indicated times after CAR T-cell infusion. Gray shading indicates the normal range. Kruskal-Wallis test: ***P < .0001; **P ranges from >.0001 to <.001; *P ranges from >.001 to <.005.

Hemodynamic instability and clinical capillary leak in grade ≥4 CRS. (A-G) Mean ± SEM of (A) minimum systolic blood pressure, (B) minimum diastolic blood pressure, (C) maximum heart rate, (D) maximum respiratory rate, (E) minimum serum protein concentration, (F) minimum albumin concentration, and (G) weight gain from the start of lymphodepletion are shown at the indicated times after CAR T-cell infusion. Gray shading indicates the normal range. Kruskal-Wallis test: ***P < .0001; **P ranges from >.0001 to <.001; *P ranges from >.001 to <.005.

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