Figure 2.
Figure 2. Kinetics of presentation of CRS and neurotoxicity. (A) Cumulative incidence curve for first fever ≥38°C in patients with grade 1 to 3 (n = 82) or grade ≥4 CRS (n = 10). (B) Mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM) of the maximum temperature after CAR T-cell infusion. (C) Incidence and grading of neurotoxicity within each CRS grade. (D) The median time of onset of fever ≥38°C (red, n = 92) or neurotoxicity (blue, n = 53) after CAR T-cell infusion. One patient with grade 2 CRS who developed hypotension without fever is not included. Kruskal-Wallis test ***P < .0001; **P ranges from >.0001 to <.001; *P ranges from >.001 to <.005. d, days after CAR T-cell infusion; h, hours after CAR T-cell infusion; pre-chemo, before the start of lymphodepletion chemotherapy; pre-infusion, before CAR T-cell infusion.

Kinetics of presentation of CRS and neurotoxicity. (A) Cumulative incidence curve for first fever ≥38°C in patients with grade 1 to 3 (n = 82) or grade ≥4 CRS (n = 10). (B) Mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM) of the maximum temperature after CAR T-cell infusion. (C) Incidence and grading of neurotoxicity within each CRS grade. (D) The median time of onset of fever ≥38°C (red, n = 92) or neurotoxicity (blue, n = 53) after CAR T-cell infusion. One patient with grade 2 CRS who developed hypotension without fever is not included. Kruskal-Wallis test ***P < .0001; **P ranges from >.0001 to <.001; *P ranges from >.001 to <.005. d, days after CAR T-cell infusion; h, hours after CAR T-cell infusion; pre-chemo, before the start of lymphodepletion chemotherapy; pre-infusion, before CAR T-cell infusion.

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