Figure 3.
Plasma VWF levels normalize with age in some patients with low VWF. (A) In a subgroup of 64 LoVIC patients followed in the NCC for >5 years, plasma VWF:Ag levels were significantly higher at last follow-up compared with baseline levels (mean VWF:Ag at baseline = 47.8 IU/dL vs 60.6 IU/dL at last follow-up; ****P < .0001). (B) Similarly, plasma VWF:RCo levels were also significantly higher at last follow-up compared with baseline levels (mean VWF:RCo at baseline = 39.4 IU/dL vs 49.0 IU/dL at last follow-up; ****P < .0001). (C) Age at original registration of patients with a diagnosis with low VWF levels (n = 126).

Plasma VWF levels normalize with age in some patients with low VWF. (A) In a subgroup of 64 LoVIC patients followed in the NCC for >5 years, plasma VWF:Ag levels were significantly higher at last follow-up compared with baseline levels (mean VWF:Ag at baseline = 47.8 IU/dL vs 60.6 IU/dL at last follow-up; ****P < .0001). (B) Similarly, plasma VWF:RCo levels were also significantly higher at last follow-up compared with baseline levels (mean VWF:RCo at baseline = 39.4 IU/dL vs 49.0 IU/dL at last follow-up; ****P < .0001). (C) Age at original registration of patients with a diagnosis with low VWF levels (n = 126).

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