Figure 1.
Study design, imaging results, and patients’ characteristics. (A) Top panel: the study design is shown. Bottom panel: the proportion of patients with specific imaging results and representative paired FDG-PET/DWIBS images. (B) Bars represent the percentage of patients positive for the respective feature. Low BMPCs were defined as ≤20%. Significance of Fisher exact test is illustrated with symbols: +P < .1; *P < .05; **P < .01; ****P < .0001. For statistical calculations, the set of DWIBS+PET+ patients was used as reference. BMPC, bone marrow plasma cell infiltration; HY, hyperdiploid; IgG, immunoglobulin G; ISS 3, International Staging System 3; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; PR, proliferative.

Study design, imaging results, and patients’ characteristics. (A) Top panel: the study design is shown. Bottom panel: the proportion of patients with specific imaging results and representative paired FDG-PET/DWIBS images. (B) Bars represent the percentage of patients positive for the respective feature. Low BMPCs were defined as ≤20%. Significance of Fisher exact test is illustrated with symbols: +P < .1; *P < .05; **P < .01; ****P < .0001. For statistical calculations, the set of DWIBS+PET+ patients was used as reference. BMPC, bone marrow plasma cell infiltration; HY, hyperdiploid; IgG, immunoglobulin G; ISS 3, International Staging System 3; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; PR, proliferative.

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