Figure 3.
Figure 3. PMN-SA lysis is RIPK-3-dependent. HT-29 cells were pretreated without or with varied concentrations of GSK’872 (A) or GSK’843 (B), and then stimulated with or without CHX, zVAD-fmk, and TNFα (CZT) as described in “Methods.” After 22 hours, LDH in supernatants was analyzed. Bars represent the mean of at least 3 experiments ± SEM. P values were determined using a 1-way ANOVA and Dunnett posttest (*P < .05 vs CZT; ***P < .0001 vs CZT). (C) PMN were pretreated with or without 200 μM Nec-1, 50 μM GSK’872 or 50 μM GSK’843. PMN were either left in buffer alone or challenged with SA, as indicated in “Methods.” After 3 h, LDH in supernatants was measured. Bars represent the average of at least 3 separate experiments ± SEM. P values were determined using a 1-way ANOVA and Dunnett posttest (***P < .0001 vs SA).

PMN-SA lysis is RIPK-3-dependent. HT-29 cells were pretreated without or with varied concentrations of GSK’872 (A) or GSK’843 (B), and then stimulated with or without CHX, zVAD-fmk, and TNFα (CZT) as described in “Methods.” After 22 hours, LDH in supernatants was analyzed. Bars represent the mean of at least 3 experiments ± SEM. P values were determined using a 1-way ANOVA and Dunnett posttest (*P < .05 vs CZT; ***P < .0001 vs CZT). (C) PMN were pretreated with or without 200 μM Nec-1, 50 μM GSK’872 or 50 μM GSK’843. PMN were either left in buffer alone or challenged with SA, as indicated in “Methods.” After 3 h, LDH in supernatants was measured. Bars represent the average of at least 3 separate experiments ± SEM. P values were determined using a 1-way ANOVA and Dunnett posttest (***P < .0001 vs SA).

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