Figure 4.
Clonal complexity of patient-derived leukemia subclones. (A-C) Clonal composition in blood of primary xenografts of patient-derived leukemia. Each bar represents 1 time point; each colored rectangle 1 barcode. The height of the bars corresponds to the %hCD45+ cells, determined by flow cytometry. (D-F) Clonal composition in BM of primary xenografts at euthanization. Each bar represents spine BM of 1 mouse. For ALL-70 (F), the mouse transplanted with 1.4 × 104 cells is marked with an asterisk. (G) Barcode complexity in blood and BM of primary patient-derived xenografts over time. (H) Plot of retrieved barcode complexity in primary xenografts vs transplanted cell dose. Each dot represents 1 sample (ie, 1 anatomic location). (I) Plot of LPC frequency in primary xenografts vs transplanted cell dose. LPC frequency was calculated by dividing the number of retrieved clones by the administered cell dose.

Clonal complexity of patient-derived leukemia subclones. (A-C) Clonal composition in blood of primary xenografts of patient-derived leukemia. Each bar represents 1 time point; each colored rectangle 1 barcode. The height of the bars corresponds to the %hCD45+ cells, determined by flow cytometry. (D-F) Clonal composition in BM of primary xenografts at euthanization. Each bar represents spine BM of 1 mouse. For ALL-70 (F), the mouse transplanted with 1.4 × 104 cells is marked with an asterisk. (G) Barcode complexity in blood and BM of primary patient-derived xenografts over time. (H) Plot of retrieved barcode complexity in primary xenografts vs transplanted cell dose. Each dot represents 1 sample (ie, 1 anatomic location). (I) Plot of LPC frequency in primary xenografts vs transplanted cell dose. LPC frequency was calculated by dividing the number of retrieved clones by the administered cell dose.

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