Figure 2.
Figure 2. PFS of all POAML patients. (A) PFS in patients aged <60 years vs ≥60 years. (B) PFS in patients with bilateral vs unilateral eye disease. (C) PFS in patients with Ann Arbor stage I disease vs stage II to IV disease. (D) PFS in patients treated with RT <30.6 Gy vs ≥30.6 Gy.

PFS of all POAML patients. (A) PFS in patients aged <60 years vs ≥60 years. (B) PFS in patients with bilateral vs unilateral eye disease. (C) PFS in patients with Ann Arbor stage I disease vs stage II to IV disease. (D) PFS in patients treated with RT <30.6 Gy vs ≥30.6 Gy.

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