Figure 1.
Figure 1. The post-GC humoral immune response is compromised in the absence of CD138 expression. (A-C) Mice lacking CD138 expression (sdc1−/−) or WT mice were immunized subcutaneously with NP(16)-OVA precipitated in alum and bled on the indicated days. (A) NP-specific levels of total IgG were measured by ELISA. Quantification represents μg/mL IgG. Dotted line highlighted by # represents the mean NP-specific IgG response of unimmunized naïve mice. (B) NP-specific levels of total IgM were measured by ELISA. Quantification represents O.D. Dotted line highlighted by # represents the mean NP-specific IgM response of unimmunized naïve mice. (C) ELISA was used to examine affinity maturation by measuring the ratio from the binding of low-affinity IgG to NP(15) and higher-affinity IgG binding to NP(3). (D) A representative ELISPOT image of draining LN cells from WT or sdc1−/− mice 8 days after immunization. Graph shows quantification (mean ± SEM) of NP-specific IgG ASCs per 106 LN cells. (E) Graph depicts the total number of IgM+ or IgG+ antigen-specific (NP+YFP+) ASCs in the LN of immunized WT and sdc1−/− mice (left). Stacked bar graph shows the percentage of IgM+ or IgG+ antigen-specific (NP+) YFP+ ASCs on day 8 following immunization of WT and sdc1−/− mice (right). (F) ELISPOT analysis of BM cells from WT and sdc1−/− mice 60 days after immunization. Graph represents mean (± SEM) of the number of NP-specific ASCs per 106 BM cells. (G-H) CD4+B220−PD-1+CXCR5+Foxp3− TFH cells and CD4+B220−PD-1+CXCR5+Foxp3+ TFR cells were examined by flow cytometry on day 7 following immunization of WT or sdc1−/− mice. Gating strategy and representative dot plots of TFH and TFR cells are shown. (G). Graphs show the percentage of TFH or TFR cells in the LN of non-immunized (naïve) and immunized mice. (I) B220+GL7+Fas+ GC B cells were measured by flow cytometry on day 7 following immunization. Graph represents the percentage of GC B cells in either naïve or immunized WT or sdc1−/− mice. *P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001. ns, not significant; O.D., optical density; TFH, T follicular helper; TFR, T follicular regulatory.

The post-GC humoral immune response is compromised in the absence of CD138 expression. (A-C) Mice lacking CD138 expression (sdc1−/−) or WT mice were immunized subcutaneously with NP(16)-OVA precipitated in alum and bled on the indicated days. (A) NP-specific levels of total IgG were measured by ELISA. Quantification represents μg/mL IgG. Dotted line highlighted by # represents the mean NP-specific IgG response of unimmunized naïve mice. (B) NP-specific levels of total IgM were measured by ELISA. Quantification represents O.D. Dotted line highlighted by # represents the mean NP-specific IgM response of unimmunized naïve mice. (C) ELISA was used to examine affinity maturation by measuring the ratio from the binding of low-affinity IgG to NP(15) and higher-affinity IgG binding to NP(3). (D) A representative ELISPOT image of draining LN cells from WT or sdc1−/− mice 8 days after immunization. Graph shows quantification (mean ± SEM) of NP-specific IgG ASCs per 106 LN cells. (E) Graph depicts the total number of IgM+ or IgG+ antigen-specific (NP+YFP+) ASCs in the LN of immunized WT and sdc1−/− mice (left). Stacked bar graph shows the percentage of IgM+ or IgG+ antigen-specific (NP+) YFP+ ASCs on day 8 following immunization of WT and sdc1−/− mice (right). (F) ELISPOT analysis of BM cells from WT and sdc1−/− mice 60 days after immunization. Graph represents mean (± SEM) of the number of NP-specific ASCs per 106 BM cells. (G-H) CD4+B220PD-1+CXCR5+Foxp3 TFH cells and CD4+B220PD-1+CXCR5+Foxp3+ TFR cells were examined by flow cytometry on day 7 following immunization of WT or sdc1−/− mice. Gating strategy and representative dot plots of TFH and TFR cells are shown. (G). Graphs show the percentage of TFH or TFR cells in the LN of non-immunized (naïve) and immunized mice. (I) B220+GL7+Fas+ GC B cells were measured by flow cytometry on day 7 following immunization. Graph represents the percentage of GC B cells in either naïve or immunized WT or sdc1−/− mice. *P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001. ns, not significant; O.D., optical density; TFH, T follicular helper; TFR, T follicular regulatory.

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