Somatic PIGA in HSPCs reveals longevity of adaptive NK cells. Normal HSPCs give rise to CD56bright NK cells that further develop to canonical CD56dim NK cells. Adaptive, CD56dim NK cells derive from canonical CD56dim NK-cell precursors in response to environmental stimuli. Patients with an acquired PIGA mutation exhibit mixed chimerism of GPIpos and GPIneg myeloid cells (represented here by neutrophils), reflecting the ongoing clonal contribution of PIGA-mutated self-renewing HSPCs. CD56bright NK cells develop proportionally from GPIpos and GPIneg HSPCs similar to myeloid cells. However, GPIneg cells are underrepresented in the CD56dim NK population, most prominently in CD56dim NK cells with adaptive phenotype. The persistence of GPIpos NK cells in PNH patients supports the notion of long-lived NK-cell adaptive NK cells with self-renewal capacity similar to memory T cells. See Figure 4 in the article by Corat et al that begins on page 1940. Professional illustration by Patrick Lane, ScEYEnce Studios.

Somatic PIGA in HSPCs reveals longevity of adaptive NK cells. Normal HSPCs give rise to CD56bright NK cells that further develop to canonical CD56dim NK cells. Adaptive, CD56dim NK cells derive from canonical CD56dim NK-cell precursors in response to environmental stimuli. Patients with an acquired PIGA mutation exhibit mixed chimerism of GPIpos and GPIneg myeloid cells (represented here by neutrophils), reflecting the ongoing clonal contribution of PIGA-mutated self-renewing HSPCs. CD56bright NK cells develop proportionally from GPIpos and GPIneg HSPCs similar to myeloid cells. However, GPIneg cells are underrepresented in the CD56dim NK population, most prominently in CD56dim NK cells with adaptive phenotype. The persistence of GPIpos NK cells in PNH patients supports the notion of long-lived NK-cell adaptive NK cells with self-renewal capacity similar to memory T cells. See Figure 4 in the article by Corat et al that begins on page 1940. Professional illustration by Patrick Lane, ScEYEnce Studios.

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