Figure 2.
CTLA-4 deficiency persists after stimulation. (A) CD4 T cells were stimulated with anti-CD3/anti-CD28 beads for 16 hours to stimulate CTLA-4 expression. Foxp3 and total CTLA-4 (BN13) staining are compared between unstimulated (top panels) or stimulated T cells (bottom panels). Cells were gated on CD45RAβˆ’ memory CD4 T cells. CTLA-4 MFI (large font) is shown for total Foxp3+ cells (right) and Foxp3βˆ’ cells (left). Percentages are shown in quadrants and Foxp3 MFI on Tregs (bottom right). (B) Relative CTLA-4 expression in healthy controls and individuals with CTLA-4 heterozygous mutations after stimulation. Relative expression is calculated as in Figure 1. (C) Foxp3+ percentage in stimulated CD4 T cells comparing CTLA-4 mutation (n = 14) and control (n = 22).

CTLA-4 deficiency persists after stimulation. (A) CD4 T cells were stimulated with anti-CD3/anti-CD28 beads for 16 hours to stimulate CTLA-4 expression. Foxp3 and total CTLA-4 (BN13) staining are compared between unstimulated (top panels) or stimulated T cells (bottom panels). Cells were gated on CD45RAβˆ’ memory CD4 T cells. CTLA-4 MFI (large font) is shown for total Foxp3+ cells (right) and Foxp3βˆ’ cells (left). Percentages are shown in quadrants and Foxp3 MFI on Tregs (bottom right). (B) Relative CTLA-4 expression in healthy controls and individuals with CTLA-4 heterozygous mutations after stimulation. Relative expression is calculated as in Figure 1. (C) Foxp3+ percentage in stimulated CD4 T cells comparing CTLA-4 mutation (n = 14) and control (n = 22).

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