Figure 7
CC-115 decreases lymphadenopathy in CLL patients. (A) Best percentage change in sum of product of diameters for target lesions for patients with single ATM deletion (black) and those with likely or potentially deleterious mutation in remaining ATM allele (gray). *Patient had Richter’s syndrome diagnosed at the same time. (B) Changes in lymphocyte counts of patients with single ATM deletion (black) and those with likely or potentially deleterious mutation in remaining ATM allele (gray) (supplemental Table 2) during CC-115 treatment over time. (C) Western blot analysis of phospho- and total DNA-PK in PBMCs from CC-115-ST-001 patient 2011007. PBMCs in plasma were collected at screening, cycle 1 day 1/baseline (before and 1.5 hours after CC-115 dose), and cycle 1 day 15 (before and 1.5 hours after CC-115 dose). PBMCs in plasma were incubated with or without 10 µg/mL bleomycin for 60 minutes. Total and phospho-DNA-PK was detected by western blot analysis of protein lysates. (D) Quantification of the western blots in C.

CC-115 decreases lymphadenopathy in CLL patients. (A) Best percentage change in sum of product of diameters for target lesions for patients with single ATM deletion (black) and those with likely or potentially deleterious mutation in remaining ATM allele (gray). *Patient had Richter’s syndrome diagnosed at the same time. (B) Changes in lymphocyte counts of patients with single ATM deletion (black) and those with likely or potentially deleterious mutation in remaining ATM allele (gray) (supplemental Table 2) during CC-115 treatment over time. (C) Western blot analysis of phospho- and total DNA-PK in PBMCs from CC-115-ST-001 patient 2011007. PBMCs in plasma were collected at screening, cycle 1 day 1/baseline (before and 1.5 hours after CC-115 dose), and cycle 1 day 15 (before and 1.5 hours after CC-115 dose). PBMCs in plasma were incubated with or without 10 µg/mL bleomycin for 60 minutes. Total and phospho-DNA-PK was detected by western blot analysis of protein lysates. (D) Quantification of the western blots in C.

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