Figure 5.
Figure 5. Stability of lymphopoiesis over time. (A) Heat map showing the natural log fractional abundances of the highest contributing T-cell (T; top) and B-cell (B; bottom) barcodes (clones) in ZH33 over time, defined as the set of all barcodes present as a top 100 highest contributing barcode in ≥1 of the samples shown. Each row corresponds to 1 barcode. The barcodes are organized by unsupervised hierarchical clustering using the Euclidean distance between barcodes’ log fractional abundances, with relative contribution shown as a red-to-blue gradient, representing high contribution to no contribution, respectively. Clones are clustered along the y-axis to place similar clones next to each other. *Indicates the top 100 clones in a given sample; thus, there are 100 in each column and ≥1 in each row. (B) Pearson correlations between T-cell (top) and B-cell (bottom) clonalities in ZH33 at a certain time point posttransplantation and all subsequent T-cell or B-cell clonalities are plotted as individual lines. Each time point is shown as a different color line, so, for example, the correlation of the 1-month sample with the 2-month sample is shown by the position of the red line at the 2-month time point on the y-axis. These correlations depict the stability of T-cell or B-cell clonality over time. (C) The total clonal repertoires of barcoded T-cell (top) and B-cell (bottom) populations are displayed as cumulative distribution curves over time for ZH33. Each position on the x-axis is an individual clone, and each line is the cumulative distribution of clonal contributions at the specified time point. That is, the height of the line at an index on the x-axis is the sum of the clonal contributions of the clones with an index less than or equal to the index in question, at the time point being plotted. Lower indices indicate earlier clones, and the clone ordering on the x-axis is determined by time of maximum contribution. The ordering is shared among time points, enabling comparison of the behavior of individual clones across time. Thus, this figure shows emergence of new clones over time. Because contribution is assessed fractionally, the y-axis is from 0 to 1.

Stability of lymphopoiesis over time. (A) Heat map showing the natural log fractional abundances of the highest contributing T-cell (T; top) and B-cell (B; bottom) barcodes (clones) in ZH33 over time, defined as the set of all barcodes present as a top 100 highest contributing barcode in ≥1 of the samples shown. Each row corresponds to 1 barcode. The barcodes are organized by unsupervised hierarchical clustering using the Euclidean distance between barcodes’ log fractional abundances, with relative contribution shown as a red-to-blue gradient, representing high contribution to no contribution, respectively. Clones are clustered along the y-axis to place similar clones next to each other. *Indicates the top 100 clones in a given sample; thus, there are 100 in each column and ≥1 in each row. (B) Pearson correlations between T-cell (top) and B-cell (bottom) clonalities in ZH33 at a certain time point posttransplantation and all subsequent T-cell or B-cell clonalities are plotted as individual lines. Each time point is shown as a different color line, so, for example, the correlation of the 1-month sample with the 2-month sample is shown by the position of the red line at the 2-month time point on the y-axis. These correlations depict the stability of T-cell or B-cell clonality over time. (C) The total clonal repertoires of barcoded T-cell (top) and B-cell (bottom) populations are displayed as cumulative distribution curves over time for ZH33. Each position on the x-axis is an individual clone, and each line is the cumulative distribution of clonal contributions at the specified time point. That is, the height of the line at an index on the x-axis is the sum of the clonal contributions of the clones with an index less than or equal to the index in question, at the time point being plotted. Lower indices indicate earlier clones, and the clone ordering on the x-axis is determined by time of maximum contribution. The ordering is shared among time points, enabling comparison of the behavior of individual clones across time. Thus, this figure shows emergence of new clones over time. Because contribution is assessed fractionally, the y-axis is from 0 to 1.

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