Figure 2
Figure 2. FBXO11 deletion leads to an increase in GC B cells and affects the DZ/LZ ratio. (A) Flow cytometry analysis of splenic mononuclear cells from age-matched FBXO11+/+-Cγ1cretg/+ (WT), FBXO11fl/+-Cγ1cretg/+ (HET), and FBXO11fl/fl-Cγ1cretg/+ (KO) for lectin PNA and the B-cell marker B220. Mice were immunized with SRBCs 10 days prior to the analysis. (B) Percentages of B220+/PNA+ splenic GC B cells. n = number of analyzed mice, average ± standard deviation [SD]; *P < .05 (1-way ANOVA). (C) Average GC size (left), numbers (middle) and GC/spleen area ratios obtained by staining with anti-PNA at least 3 independent spleen sections for each mouse. Pix, pixels. n = number of analyzed mice, average ± SD; *P < .05 (1-way ANOVA). (D) Representative flow cytometry analysis of splenic GC DZ and LZ cells as defined by CXCR4 and CD86 expression. (E) DZ/LZ cell ratios determined as in panel D in FBXO11 WT, HET, and KO mice. n = number of analyzed mice, average ± SD; *P < .05 (1-way ANOVA). (F) DZ/LZ cell ratios in Iμ-HA-BCL6 mice and WT littermates. n = number of analyzed mice, average ± SD; *P < .05 (1-way ANOVA).

FBXO11 deletion leads to an increase in GC B cells and affects the DZ/LZ ratio. (A) Flow cytometry analysis of splenic mononuclear cells from age-matched FBXO11+/+-Cγ1cretg/+ (WT), FBXO11fl/+-Cγ1cretg/+ (HET), and FBXO11fl/fl-Cγ1cretg/+ (KO) for lectin PNA and the B-cell marker B220. Mice were immunized with SRBCs 10 days prior to the analysis. (B) Percentages of B220+/PNA+ splenic GC B cells. n = number of analyzed mice, average ± standard deviation [SD]; *P < .05 (1-way ANOVA). (C) Average GC size (left), numbers (middle) and GC/spleen area ratios obtained by staining with anti-PNA at least 3 independent spleen sections for each mouse. Pix, pixels. n = number of analyzed mice, average ± SD; *P < .05 (1-way ANOVA). (D) Representative flow cytometry analysis of splenic GC DZ and LZ cells as defined by CXCR4 and CD86 expression. (E) DZ/LZ cell ratios determined as in panel D in FBXO11 WT, HET, and KO mice. n = number of analyzed mice, average ± SD; *P < .05 (1-way ANOVA). (F) DZ/LZ cell ratios in Iμ-HA-BCL6 mice and WT littermates. n = number of analyzed mice, average ± SD; *P < .05 (1-way ANOVA).

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