Figure 1
Figure 1. Conditional targeting of FBXO11 in mice. (A) Schematic representation of the FBXO11 targeting strategy. Indicated are restriction sites as well as expected fragment sizes detectable by Southern blot in the WT allele as well as in the targeted allele before and after Flp-mediated deletion of the neomycin-resistance cassette. CL, conditional allele; TV, targeting vector. (B) Southern blot analysis of BamHI digested genomic DNA displays the 15-kb WT band along with the 10-kb band after correct targeting in ES cells using a 5′ probe (left). Southern blot analysis of StuI-digested DNA displays the 20-kb WT band along with the 8.5-kb band after correct targeting in ES cells using a 3′ probe (right). (C) Double immunofluorescence staining of FBXO11 (green) and BCL6 (red) of a GC in FBXO11+/+-Cγ1cretg/+ (WT) and FBXO11fl/fl-Cγ1cretg/+ (KO) mice.

Conditional targeting of FBXO11 in mice. (A) Schematic representation of the FBXO11 targeting strategy. Indicated are restriction sites as well as expected fragment sizes detectable by Southern blot in the WT allele as well as in the targeted allele before and after Flp-mediated deletion of the neomycin-resistance cassette. CL, conditional allele; TV, targeting vector. (B) Southern blot analysis of BamHI digested genomic DNA displays the 15-kb WT band along with the 10-kb band after correct targeting in ES cells using a 5′ probe (left). Southern blot analysis of StuI-digested DNA displays the 20-kb WT band along with the 8.5-kb band after correct targeting in ES cells using a 3′ probe (right). (C) Double immunofluorescence staining of FBXO11 (green) and BCL6 (red) of a GC in FBXO11+/+-Cγ1cretg/+ (WT) and FBXO11fl/fl-Cγ1cretg/+ (KO) mice.

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