Figure 5
Figure 5. Concomitant loss of FLT3 and CSF1R expression leads to a severe reduction in fetal B-cell progenitors. (A) Representative FACS profiles of CSF1R and FLT3 coexpression on E13.5 FL ProB cells. Numbers represent mean percentage (± SEM) of CSF1R+FLT3+, CSF1R+FLT3–, and CSF1R–FLT3+ ProB cells (n = 16 embryos, 3 experiments). (B) Total FL cells in E14.5 FL of Wt control (light gray), Flk2−/− (gray), and Flk2−/−Csf1r−/− (dark gray) embryos (n = 16-21 embryos per genotype). (C) (Left) Representative FACS profiles of ProB cells in E14.5 FL of Wt, Flk2−/−, and Flk2−/−Csf1r−/− embryos. Numbers represent mean percentage of gated populations relative to total FL cells (4-5 experiments). (Right) Mean percentage (± SEM) of ProB in E14.5 FL of Wt control (light gray), Csf1r−/− (black), Flk2−/− (gray), and Flk2−/−Csf1r−/− (dark gray) embryos (n = 14-21 embryos per genotype). Statistical significance was tested between Csf1r−/− and Csf1r−/−Flk2−/−, and between Flk2−/− and Csf1r−/−Flk2−/−. Because of multiple comparisons, Dunn’s correction of P values was performed (see Methods). ***P < .001; *P < .05.

Concomitant loss of FLT3 and CSF1R expression leads to a severe reduction in fetal B-cell progenitors. (A) Representative FACS profiles of CSF1R and FLT3 coexpression on E13.5 FL ProB cells. Numbers represent mean percentage (± SEM) of CSF1R+FLT3+, CSF1R+FLT3, and CSF1RFLT3+ ProB cells (n = 16 embryos, 3 experiments). (B) Total FL cells in E14.5 FL of Wt control (light gray), Flk2−/− (gray), and Flk2−/−Csf1r−/− (dark gray) embryos (n = 16-21 embryos per genotype). (C) (Left) Representative FACS profiles of ProB cells in E14.5 FL of Wt, Flk2−/−, and Flk2−/−Csf1r−/− embryos. Numbers represent mean percentage of gated populations relative to total FL cells (4-5 experiments). (Right) Mean percentage (± SEM) of ProB in E14.5 FL of Wt control (light gray), Csf1r−/− (black), Flk2−/− (gray), and Flk2−/−Csf1r−/− (dark gray) embryos (n = 14-21 embryos per genotype). Statistical significance was tested between Csf1r−/− and Csf1r−/−Flk2−/−, and between Flk2−/− and Csf1r−/−Flk2−/−. Because of multiple comparisons, Dunn’s correction of P values was performed (see Methods). ***P < .001; *P < .05.

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