Figure 3
fVIII functional assays in the presence of group A, AB, and B anti-C1 mAbs. (A) Inhibition of fVIII procoagulant activity by type 2 group A mAb I84 (●), type 1 group AB mAb KM33 (▪), and type 1 group B mAb B136 (△) by Bethesda assay. (B) Inhibition of fVIII binding to PCPS and (C) fVIII binding to VWF in the presence of anti-C1 mAbs group A B153 (●), group AB KM33 (▪), and group B B136 (△) determined by competitive ELISAs.

fVIII functional assays in the presence of group A, AB, and B anti-C1 mAbs. (A) Inhibition of fVIII procoagulant activity by type 2 group A mAb I84 (), type 1 group AB mAb KM33 (▪), and type 1 group B mAb B136 (△) by Bethesda assay. (B) Inhibition of fVIII binding to PCPS and (C) fVIII binding to VWF in the presence of anti-C1 mAbs group A B153 (), group AB KM33 (▪), and group B B136 (△) determined by competitive ELISAs.

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