Figure 6
Figure 6. Ectopic Myc expression counters the loss of DNMAML-GFP expression in LCDDR tumors. Lethally irradiated LC recipient mice were reconstituted with 5FU-treated donor LCDDR BM cells after transduction with empty NFGR vector (negative control) or Myc-IRES-NGFR vector expressing retrovirus. The resulting splenic lymphoma cells in NGFR-transduced (A) and Myc-transduced (B) mice were analyzed for Thy-1 and CD3ε expression by flow cytometry. Three representative tumors are shown. DNMAML-GFP expression within the Thy-1+ gate is also shown and displayed as a scatterplot (C). P value was .0084 for the NGFR vs Myc comparison (Student t test).

Ectopic Myc expression counters the loss of DNMAML-GFP expression in LCDDR tumors. Lethally irradiated LC recipient mice were reconstituted with 5FU-treated donor LCDDR BM cells after transduction with empty NFGR vector (negative control) or Myc-IRES-NGFR vector expressing retrovirus. The resulting splenic lymphoma cells in NGFR-transduced (A) and Myc-transduced (B) mice were analyzed for Thy-1 and CD3ε expression by flow cytometry. Three representative tumors are shown. DNMAML-GFP expression within the Thy-1+ gate is also shown and displayed as a scatterplot (C). P value was .0084 for the NGFR vs Myc comparison (Student t test).

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