Figure 4
Figure 4. Differential read depth defines genes with significant circRNA enrichment in platelets. (A) Box and whisker plots showing the ratio of RPKM from circRNA producing exons (RPKMI) to RPKM from exons that do not produce circRNAs (RPKME) for all genes in each sample. The median and upper and lower quartiles are shown, with outliers as solid circles. (B) The proportion of reads from circRNA producing exons averaged across all nucleated samples (y-axis) and platelets (x-axis). (C) Fold enrichment of reads from circRNA producing exons in platelets relative to nucleated tissues. All genes with an average RPKMI >1 in platelets and expressed in 8 or more nucleated tissues are shown. Blue, genes significantly enriched in platelets; red, genes not significantly enriched in platelets. The data points corresponding to the 5 most enriched genes are indicated. The slope x = y is shown as a dashed line.

Differential read depth defines genes with significant circRNA enrichment in platelets. (A) Box and whisker plots showing the ratio of RPKM from circRNA producing exons (RPKMI) to RPKM from exons that do not produce circRNAs (RPKME) for all genes in each sample. The median and upper and lower quartiles are shown, with outliers as solid circles. (B) The proportion of reads from circRNA producing exons averaged across all nucleated samples (y-axis) and platelets (x-axis). (C) Fold enrichment of reads from circRNA producing exons in platelets relative to nucleated tissues. All genes with an average RPKMI >1 in platelets and expressed in 8 or more nucleated tissues are shown. Blue, genes significantly enriched in platelets; red, genes not significantly enriched in platelets. The data points corresponding to the 5 most enriched genes are indicated. The slope x = y is shown as a dashed line.

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