Figure 3
Figure 3. tfec−/− mutants have reduced hematopoiesis and become anemic. (A-B) ISH for cmyb and gata1 at 4 dpf in WT/tfec+/− embryos or tfec−/− mutant embryos. Sib. represents WT/tfec+/− genotype. (C) Brightfield image at 9 dpf showing tfec−/− mutants and their siblings. Arrows indicate normal pigmented eye in siblings and inflated swim bladder; asterisks indicate loss of eye pigmentation and uninflated swim bladder in mutants. (D) Circulating blood phenotype at 8 and 9 dpf characterized by normal blood flow (normal), low circulating number of cells (low), and almost complete loss of circulating cells (anemia).

tfec−/−mutants have reduced hematopoiesis and become anemic. (A-B) ISH for cmyb and gata1 at 4 dpf in WT/tfec+/− embryos or tfec−/− mutant embryos. Sib. represents WT/tfec+/− genotype. (C) Brightfield image at 9 dpf showing tfec−/− mutants and their siblings. Arrows indicate normal pigmented eye in siblings and inflated swim bladder; asterisks indicate loss of eye pigmentation and uninflated swim bladder in mutants. (D) Circulating blood phenotype at 8 and 9 dpf characterized by normal blood flow (normal), low circulating number of cells (low), and almost complete loss of circulating cells (anemia).

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