Figure 7
Figure 7. Blocking EP3 receptors reduced cancer-induced venous thrombosis in WT mice. (A) Administering EP3 blocker to WT mice with cancer prior to induction of venous thrombosis, protects these mice from cancer-induced venous thrombosis as demonstrable by ultrasonography. (B) Representative pictures of venous thrombi in the 4 experimental groups obtained by HFUS. *P < .05 WT + M27 vs WT + M27 + EP3 blocker.

Blocking EP3 receptors reduced cancer-induced venous thrombosis in WT mice. (A) Administering EP3 blocker to WT mice with cancer prior to induction of venous thrombosis, protects these mice from cancer-induced venous thrombosis as demonstrable by ultrasonography. (B) Representative pictures of venous thrombi in the 4 experimental groups obtained by HFUS. *P < .05 WT + M27 vs WT + M27 + EP3 blocker.

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