Figure 1
Figure 1. OSI-027 and MLN0128 diminish viable cell mass in ALL cultures ex vivo. After samples from patients with newly diagnosed ALL were treated for 5 days with (A-B) OSI-027 or MLN0128 as indicated or (C-D) with 5 µM OSI-027, 250 nM MLN0128, or 10 nM rapamycin, MTS reduction was assayed. Results in cells treated with diluent (0.1% dimethylsulfoxide) were set at 100%. Numbers next to lines in panels A and B refer to patient numbers in supplemental Table 1. Mean values for Jurkat cells (included in each assay) are indicated by circles. (C-D) The same data separated by (C) patient or (D) treatment. In D, *P < .001 and **P = .011.

OSI-027 and MLN0128 diminish viable cell mass in ALL cultures ex vivo. After samples from patients with newly diagnosed ALL were treated for 5 days with (A-B) OSI-027 or MLN0128 as indicated or (C-D) with 5 µM OSI-027, 250 nM MLN0128, or 10 nM rapamycin, MTS reduction was assayed. Results in cells treated with diluent (0.1% dimethylsulfoxide) were set at 100%. Numbers next to lines in panels A and B refer to patient numbers in supplemental Table 1. Mean values for Jurkat cells (included in each assay) are indicated by circles. (C-D) The same data separated by (C) patient or (D) treatment. In D, *P < .001 and **P = .011.

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