Figure 6
Figure 6. Schematic model of downstream signaling after GPCR activation. After chemokine binding, Gα and Gβγ subunits dissociate and GDP is exchanged for GTP. Gβ subunits, Rac1, Plcβ2, and Plcβ3 form a macromolecular complex upon activation, leading to generation of IP3 (black circles), which in turn binds to IP3-gated calcium stores leading to calcium release (black stars). Finally, activated LFA-1 upshifts to the high-affinity conformation. Dotted arrows, question marks, and molecules in light gray circles indicate potential alternative signaling pathways which might also play a role in downstream signaling leading to LFA-1 activation.

Schematic model of downstream signaling after GPCR activation. After chemokine binding, Gα and Gβγ subunits dissociate and GDP is exchanged for GTP. Gβ subunits, Rac1, Plcβ2, and Plcβ3 form a macromolecular complex upon activation, leading to generation of IP3 (black circles), which in turn binds to IP3-gated calcium stores leading to calcium release (black stars). Finally, activated LFA-1 upshifts to the high-affinity conformation. Dotted arrows, question marks, and molecules in light gray circles indicate potential alternative signaling pathways which might also play a role in downstream signaling leading to LFA-1 activation.

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