Figure 3
Figure 3. Differential IR at multiple stages during murine erythroid maturation. (A) Bar graphs depicting IR ratio fold-changes between pairs of samples. Number of introns with IR ratios increasing greater than or equal to twofold, decreasing greater than or equal to twofold, or changing less than twofold are indicated. Dashed bars indicate twofold changes. (B) Number of introns and genes with IR ratios changing greater than or equal to twofold between proerythroblasts and each downstream stage. Total introns and genes among all pairwise comparisons is shown above. (C) Histograms of introns per gene with greater than or equal to twofold IR ratio changes. Absolute frequencies are indicated above bars. (D) Heat map of IR ratios across stages. Rows represent introns whose IR ratio changes greater than or equal to twofold between proerythroblasts and at least 1 downstream stage. Columns represent stages. Colors indicate Z-scores of IR ratios across each row. Rows were ordered using the Pearson distance metric and complete clustering method. Clusters were identified visually and using the dendrogram and are indicated to the right.

Differential IR at multiple stages during murine erythroid maturation. (A) Bar graphs depicting IR ratio fold-changes between pairs of samples. Number of introns with IR ratios increasing greater than or equal to twofold, decreasing greater than or equal to twofold, or changing less than twofold are indicated. Dashed bars indicate twofold changes. (B) Number of introns and genes with IR ratios changing greater than or equal to twofold between proerythroblasts and each downstream stage. Total introns and genes among all pairwise comparisons is shown above. (C) Histograms of introns per gene with greater than or equal to twofold IR ratio changes. Absolute frequencies are indicated above bars. (D) Heat map of IR ratios across stages. Rows represent introns whose IR ratio changes greater than or equal to twofold between proerythroblasts and at least 1 downstream stage. Columns represent stages. Colors indicate Z-scores of IR ratios across each row. Rows were ordered using the Pearson distance metric and complete clustering method. Clusters were identified visually and using the dendrogram and are indicated to the right.

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