Figure 3
Figure 3. Relapse incidence, mortality rate, event-free survival, and overall survival according to the assigned randomization arms. Outcome data are shown for (A) the total cohort, (B) patients with prednisone poor-response, (C) precursor B-ALL with prednisone good-response, and (D) T-ALL with prednisone good-response. Subpanels show (i) the incidence of relapse and mortality rate, (ii) the event-free survival, and (iii) overall survival. Numbers of patients at risk in the event-free survival graphs also apply to the relapse incidence graph. 5 y-CIR, 5-year cumulative incidence of relapse; 5 y-pEFS, 5-year event-free survival; 5 y-pSUR, 5-year overall survival; CI, confidence interval; DXM, dexamethasone; HR hazard ratio; PDN, prednisone SE, standard error.

Relapse incidence, mortality rate, event-free survival, and overall survival according to the assigned randomization arms. Outcome data are shown for (A) the total cohort, (B) patients with prednisone poor-response, (C) precursor B-ALL with prednisone good-response, and (D) T-ALL with prednisone good-response. Subpanels show (i) the incidence of relapse and mortality rate, (ii) the event-free survival, and (iii) overall survival. Numbers of patients at risk in the event-free survival graphs also apply to the relapse incidence graph. 5 y-CIR, 5-year cumulative incidence of relapse; 5 y-pEFS, 5-year event-free survival; 5 y-pSUR, 5-year overall survival; CI, confidence interval; DXM, dexamethasone; HR hazard ratio; PDN, prednisone SE, standard error.

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