Figure 5
Figure 5. Flocculation activity of FeCl3. (A) The concentration-dependent ability of FeCl3 to aggregate blood components can be seen microscopically. At mid-range concentrations of FeCl3, amorphous iron hydroxide precipitates can be seen. Platelets (green: CD41); fibrinogen (red). (B) Light scattering of PRP (left) when exposed to a range of FeCl3, AlCl3, and CrCl3 concentrations. Values are expressed as fold increase over control PRP, where increased scatter corresponds to increased aggregation. Light scattering of PPP (right) exposed to a range of FeCl3, AlCl3, and CrCl3 concentrations. Values are expressed as fold increase over control PPP. All scale bars represent 50 μm; N = 3.

Flocculation activity of FeCl3. (A) The concentration-dependent ability of FeCl3 to aggregate blood components can be seen microscopically. At mid-range concentrations of FeCl3, amorphous iron hydroxide precipitates can be seen. Platelets (green: CD41); fibrinogen (red). (B) Light scattering of PRP (left) when exposed to a range of FeCl3, AlCl3, and CrCl3 concentrations. Values are expressed as fold increase over control PRP, where increased scatter corresponds to increased aggregation. Light scattering of PPP (right) exposed to a range of FeCl3, AlCl3, and CrCl3 concentrations. Values are expressed as fold increase over control PPP. All scale bars represent 50 μm; N = 3.

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