Figure 4
Figure 4. Disturbed procoagulant-anticoagulant balance: TAT complexes vs PC activity. (A) Four patients with cancer-associated venous limb ischemia (7 color symbols) compared with 4 patients with HIT-associated VLG (8 solid gray symbols). For each of 8 patients with warfarin-associated venous limb ischemia (4 with cancer, 4 with HIT), the (maximum) 2 plasma samples showing the highest TAT/PC ratios are shown. For comparison, data from a previous study4 of HIT- and warfarin-associated venous limb ischemia are shown, with the 67 small open circles indicating results using plasma samples obtained from 12 warfarin-treated HIT patients (9 with DVT) who did not develop venous limb ischemia/gangrene. (B) TAT and PC activity levels for 4 cancer patients with warfarin-associated venous limb ischemia vs 20 noncancer control patients with warfarin-associated supratherapeutic INR values entered into a study of PCC replacement. For both groups of patients, all results were obtained in samples with INR ≥3.5. For the cancer patients with warfarin-associated venous limb ischemia, the 4 colors correspond to the 4 different patients. The solid horizontal line indicates median, the boxes indicates interquartile range, and the whiskers range.

Disturbed procoagulant-anticoagulant balance: TAT complexes vs PC activity. (A) Four patients with cancer-associated venous limb ischemia (7 color symbols) compared with 4 patients with HIT-associated VLG (8 solid gray symbols). For each of 8 patients with warfarin-associated venous limb ischemia (4 with cancer, 4 with HIT), the (maximum) 2 plasma samples showing the highest TAT/PC ratios are shown. For comparison, data from a previous study of HIT- and warfarin-associated venous limb ischemia are shown, with the 67 small open circles indicating results using plasma samples obtained from 12 warfarin-treated HIT patients (9 with DVT) who did not develop venous limb ischemia/gangrene. (B) TAT and PC activity levels for 4 cancer patients with warfarin-associated venous limb ischemia vs 20 noncancer control patients with warfarin-associated supratherapeutic INR values entered into a study of PCC replacement. For both groups of patients, all results were obtained in samples with INR ≥3.5. For the cancer patients with warfarin-associated venous limb ischemia, the 4 colors correspond to the 4 different patients. The solid horizontal line indicates median, the boxes indicates interquartile range, and the whiskers range.

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