Figure 1
Health-related quality of life of APL patients in complete molecular remission compared with general population. (A) Self-reported functional scales and global quality of life of APL patients in molecular complete remission compared with general population norms adjusted by age and gender. (B) Self-reported symptoms of APL patients in molecular complete remission compared with general population norms adjusted by age and gender. For functional and global quality of life (QoL) scales, higher scores indicate better outcomes; for symptom scales, higher scores indicate higher symptom severity. Analysis is based on 119 patients (61 ATRA plus ATO patients and 58 ATRA plus chemotherapy patients). Asterisk indicates at least a small clinically relevant difference.10

Health-related quality of life of APL patients in complete molecular remission compared with general population. (A) Self-reported functional scales and global quality of life of APL patients in molecular complete remission compared with general population norms adjusted by age and gender. (B) Self-reported symptoms of APL patients in molecular complete remission compared with general population norms adjusted by age and gender. For functional and global quality of life (QoL) scales, higher scores indicate better outcomes; for symptom scales, higher scores indicate higher symptom severity. Analysis is based on 119 patients (61 ATRA plus ATO patients and 58 ATRA plus chemotherapy patients). Asterisk indicates at least a small clinically relevant difference.10 

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