Figure 4
Analysis of chronic and smoldering types of ATL. (A) OS. Patients with unfavorable chronic type have at least one of the following factors: BUN or LDH higher than the upper limit of normal or albumin lower than the lower limit of normal. (B) Cumulative incidence of the introduction of systemic chemotherapies. (C) OS for patients with smoldering type treated by hematologists or dermatologists. (D) OS of patients with smoldering type treated by dermatologists according to eruption type. The data of purpura type are not shown because the number of patients was too small (n = 2). Hematologists, patients treated by hematologists; Dermatologists, patients treated by dermatologists.

Analysis of chronic and smoldering types of ATL. (A) OS. Patients with unfavorable chronic type have at least one of the following factors: BUN or LDH higher than the upper limit of normal or albumin lower than the lower limit of normal. (B) Cumulative incidence of the introduction of systemic chemotherapies. (C) OS for patients with smoldering type treated by hematologists or dermatologists. (D) OS of patients with smoldering type treated by dermatologists according to eruption type. The data of purpura type are not shown because the number of patients was too small (n = 2). Hematologists, patients treated by hematologists; Dermatologists, patients treated by dermatologists.

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