Figure 4
Figure 4. Failure of thrombin-mediated proteolytic release of the mutant fibrinopeptide A of fibrinogen isolated from FibAEK mice. (A) Reaction mixtures of purified WT fibrinogen (left) and fibrinogenAEK (right) were incubated with thrombin and Ca2+ for various times, and the fibrinogen chains analyzed by reducing sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The positions of the Aα, cleaved α, Bβ, cleaved β, and γ chains are indicated. Note that cleaved α chain was never observed in reaction mixtures containing fibrinogenAEK regardless of incubation time. (B) HPLC chromatograms of reaction mixtures containing either WT fibrinogen (left) or fibrinogenAEK (right) following incubation with thrombin and Ca2+ for various times. Indicated are the positions of peaks corresponding to fibrinopeptide A (FpA), fibrinopeptide B (FpB), and mutant fibrinopeptide A (FpAEK). The identification of peak positions was independently established by resolving synthetic peptides corresponding to the predicted fibrinopeptide sequence. Note that FpAEK is never observed in chromatograms derived from fibrinogenAEK reactions regardless of incubation time with thrombin and Ca2+. (C) Fibrinopeptide release curves were prepared by plotting the percent of fibrinopeptide released versus time. FpA data were fitted with a simple first-order equation, and the FpB data from normal fibrinogen were fitted to a standard equation describing 2 consecutive first-order processes. (D) Table of specificity constants (kcat/KM), which were determined by dividing first-order rate constants by the thrombin concentration.

Failure of thrombin-mediated proteolytic release of the mutant fibrinopeptide A of fibrinogen isolated from FibAEK mice. (A) Reaction mixtures of purified WT fibrinogen (left) and fibrinogenAEK (right) were incubated with thrombin and Ca2+ for various times, and the fibrinogen chains analyzed by reducing sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The positions of the Aα, cleaved α, Bβ, cleaved β, and γ chains are indicated. Note that cleaved α chain was never observed in reaction mixtures containing fibrinogenAEK regardless of incubation time. (B) HPLC chromatograms of reaction mixtures containing either WT fibrinogen (left) or fibrinogenAEK (right) following incubation with thrombin and Ca2+ for various times. Indicated are the positions of peaks corresponding to fibrinopeptide A (FpA), fibrinopeptide B (FpB), and mutant fibrinopeptide A (FpAEK). The identification of peak positions was independently established by resolving synthetic peptides corresponding to the predicted fibrinopeptide sequence. Note that FpAEK is never observed in chromatograms derived from fibrinogenAEK reactions regardless of incubation time with thrombin and Ca2+. (C) Fibrinopeptide release curves were prepared by plotting the percent of fibrinopeptide released versus time. FpA data were fitted with a simple first-order equation, and the FpB data from normal fibrinogen were fitted to a standard equation describing 2 consecutive first-order processes. (D) Table of specificity constants (kcat/KM), which were determined by dividing first-order rate constants by the thrombin concentration.

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