Comparison of expression levels between Pri HSPCs and CPs for the genes dysregulated in AE9a+miR-126 and miR-126KO+AE9a leukemic cells. Expression patterns between Pri HSPCs and CPs from the GSE24006 data set48 for the 57 AE9a+miR-126_High genes (A) and the 88 miR-126KO+AE9a_High genes (B) are shown. Expression data were mean centered, and the relative value for each sample is represented by a color, with red and green representing a high and low expression, respectively (scale is shown). (C) Within each gene set (ie, AE9a+miR-126_High, AE9a+miR-126_Low, miR-126KO+AE9a_High, or miR-126KO+AE9a_Low), the proportion of genes that are expressed at a significantly higher level in Pri HSPCs than in CPs (Pri HSPCs_High; blue), a significantly higher level in CPs than in Pri HSPCs (CPs_High; red), or a comparable level between Pri HSPCs and CPs (nonsignificant [NS]; green) is shown. Gene expression levels were compared between Pri HSPCs (including BM_HSC and BM_MPP samples) and CPs (including BM_CMP, BM_GMP, and BM_MEP samples) in the GSE24006 data set48 through significance analysis of microarrays,47 with a q value <0.05 and a false discovery rate <0.001 as criteria for statistical significance. CB_HSC and CB_MPP samples were not included in the significance analysis of microarrays due to their tissue differences from other BM samples. CB, core blood; CMP, common myeloid progenitor; CPs, committed progenitors; GMP, granulocyte/monocyte progenitor; HSC, hematopoietic stem cell; MEP, megakaryocyte/erythrocyte progenitor; MPP, multipotent progenitor; Pri HSPCs, primitive HSPCs.