Figure 1
Figure 1. Expression of NOTCH2 splice variants according to specimen aging. (A) Fluorescence PCR and capillary electrophoresis shows an increasing amount of NOTCH2-Va variant compared with WT NOTCH2-FL as incubation time is prolongated. (B) The ratio of NOTCH2-Va to NOTCH2-FL increases with incubation time in all 3 replicates from 3 individuals. (C) Gel extraction and sequencing analysis of the NOTCH2-Va band confirms skipping of exon 12 that normally exist in WT NOTCH2. d, day(s); h, hour(s).

Expression of NOTCH2 splice variants according to specimen aging. (A) Fluorescence PCR and capillary electrophoresis shows an increasing amount of NOTCH2-Va variant compared with WT NOTCH2-FL as incubation time is prolongated. (B) The ratio of NOTCH2-Va to NOTCH2-FL increases with incubation time in all 3 replicates from 3 individuals. (C) Gel extraction and sequencing analysis of the NOTCH2-Va band confirms skipping of exon 12 that normally exist in WT NOTCH2. d, day(s); h, hour(s).

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