Figure 3
Figure 3. Fetal liver cellularity is severely reduced and erythroblast maturation delayed in RhoAΔ/Δ embryos. (A) Beginning at E12.5, RhoAΔ/Δ fetal livers have reduced cellularity compared with the WTs. Cellularity is unaffected in the heterozygous (RhoAWT/Δ) fetal livers. Data are represented as mean ± SEM of the cell count of at least 5 fetal livers for each embryonic date. *P < .05 of RhoAΔ/Δ vs WT. (B) The number of cells per fetal liver with BFU-E (left panel) and CFU-E (right panel) activity is unaffected in E12.5 RhoAΔ/Δ embryos compared with the WT. Data are represented as mean ± SEM of 3 fetal liver samples per each genotype, each sample evaluated by colony assay in triplicate plates. (C-D) Flow cytometry analysis of fetal liver cells from E12.5 embryos shows that RhoAΔ/Δ erythroblasts diminish in number as they move through the stages of erythroid maturation. Flow cytometry dot plots are representative of 3 different biological repeats (C). Bar graph of mean ± SEM of the cell count per each erythroid population as defined by CD71-Ter119 analysis of 3 fetal livers per each genotype (D). *P < .05 of RhoAΔ/Δ vs WT. (E) Touch preps prepared from E13.0 fetal livers show an abundance of larger, more immature cells in RhoAΔ/Δ fetal livers compared with the WT. Binucleated erythroblasts (arrows) are evident in RhoAΔ/Δ fetal livers, though they are less prominent than among the primitive erythroid cells in circulation. The scale bar represents 10 µm.

Fetal liver cellularity is severely reduced and erythroblast maturation delayed in RhoAΔ/Δ embryos. (A) Beginning at E12.5, RhoAΔ/Δ fetal livers have reduced cellularity compared with the WTs. Cellularity is unaffected in the heterozygous (RhoAWT/Δ) fetal livers. Data are represented as mean ± SEM of the cell count of at least 5 fetal livers for each embryonic date. *P < .05 of RhoAΔ/Δ vs WT. (B) The number of cells per fetal liver with BFU-E (left panel) and CFU-E (right panel) activity is unaffected in E12.5 RhoAΔ/Δ embryos compared with the WT. Data are represented as mean ± SEM of 3 fetal liver samples per each genotype, each sample evaluated by colony assay in triplicate plates. (C-D) Flow cytometry analysis of fetal liver cells from E12.5 embryos shows that RhoAΔ/Δ erythroblasts diminish in number as they move through the stages of erythroid maturation. Flow cytometry dot plots are representative of 3 different biological repeats (C). Bar graph of mean ± SEM of the cell count per each erythroid population as defined by CD71-Ter119 analysis of 3 fetal livers per each genotype (D). *P < .05 of RhoAΔ/Δ vs WT. (E) Touch preps prepared from E13.0 fetal livers show an abundance of larger, more immature cells in RhoAΔ/Δ fetal livers compared with the WT. Binucleated erythroblasts (arrows) are evident in RhoAΔ/Δ fetal livers, though they are less prominent than among the primitive erythroid cells in circulation. The scale bar represents 10 µm.

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