Figure 6
Figure 6. Effect of Jun knockdown on gene expression in DLBCL cell lines. (A) Genes downregulated in lymphoma cells upon Jun knockdown. Microarray analysis was performed with OCI-Ly3 and OCI-Ly10 cells stably expressing shGFP (control) or shJunB/c-Jun. Heatmap was generated by using GeneSpringGX12 software. (B) Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) software was used with microarray data obtained in (A). (C) Heatmap of selected genes that were downregulated in lymphoma cell lines upon Jun knockdown. (D) Loss of ITGAV, MMP7, FoxC1, CX3CR1, and Met mRNA expression upon c-Jun/JunB knockdown was quantified by real-time PCR. qPCR was performed in triplicate using Power SYBR Green PCR Master Mix. The amounts of transcript were normalized to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. Melt curves were run to ensure amplification of a single product. Results are presented as mean + SD of triplicates. (E) Expression of ITGAV, FoxC1, and CX3CR1 was stratified by number of extranodal sites. Analysis was performed on arrays available in the public repository (GSE10846). Statistical significance was evaluated by using 2-tailed Student t test. ****P < .0001; **P < .002. (F) Correlation between c-Jun and ITGAV (left), FoxC1 (middle), and CX3CR1 (right) expression in DLBCL cases with secondary extranodal involvement.

Effect of Jun knockdown on gene expression in DLBCL cell lines. (A) Genes downregulated in lymphoma cells upon Jun knockdown. Microarray analysis was performed with OCI-Ly3 and OCI-Ly10 cells stably expressing shGFP (control) or shJunB/c-Jun. Heatmap was generated by using GeneSpringGX12 software. (B) Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) software was used with microarray data obtained in (A). (C) Heatmap of selected genes that were downregulated in lymphoma cell lines upon Jun knockdown. (D) Loss of ITGAV, MMP7, FoxC1, CX3CR1, and Met mRNA expression upon c-Jun/JunB knockdown was quantified by real-time PCR. qPCR was performed in triplicate using Power SYBR Green PCR Master Mix. The amounts of transcript were normalized to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. Melt curves were run to ensure amplification of a single product. Results are presented as mean + SD of triplicates. (E) Expression of ITGAV, FoxC1, and CX3CR1 was stratified by number of extranodal sites. Analysis was performed on arrays available in the public repository (GSE10846). Statistical significance was evaluated by using 2-tailed Student t test. ****P < .0001; **P < .002. (F) Correlation between c-Jun and ITGAV (left), FoxC1 (middle), and CX3CR1 (right) expression in DLBCL cases with secondary extranodal involvement.

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